Untitled (from Opacities series 2022-23)

I am using the obscured glass to create a disruption in the photographic image which is used mainly as a transparent medium for recording the world and communicating images of it. As a result we barely pay attention to the mediation of the image at all. By creating a distance through disruption and an emphasis on the physicality of the printed image, the viewer is encouraged to look at rather than see through the image. The viewer is able to to see the image as an image rather than as a window onto the world. By focusing the eye on the surface materiality of the image, the translucent glass creates a painterly version of the image. Translucency allows for a blurring of the boundaries between the substrate of the image and the reality it represents. Having chosen this particular piece of street furniture with its frosted translucent glass, I chose to introduce a further device to distance the viewer from the image creating a frame within a frame so that the unmediated flowers, vegetation and insect life on the edge allow for a layering of the image between the frame of the photograph and the frame of the frosted glass. This combination of an attention both to the surface of the image and to its referent in equal proportions is a condition for what Raymond Bellour calls pensive vision or vision that is both able to see and to reflect on seeing.

Untitled I (from the Opacity series 2023) 75 x 60cm archival giclee print on aluminium.

Untitled II (from the Opacity series 2023) 75 x 60cm archival giclee print on aluminium.

Untitled III (from the Opacity series 2023) 75 x 60cm archival giclee print on aluminium.

Untitled IV (from the Opacity series 2023) 75 x 60cm archival giclee print on aluminium.

Untitled V (from the Opacity series 2023) 75 x 60cm archival giclee print on aluminium.

Untitled VI (from the Opacity series 2023) 75 x 60cm archival giclee print on aluminium.

Untitled VII (from the Opacity series 2023) 75 x 60cm archival giclee print on aluminium.

Untitled VIII (from the Opacity series 2023) 75 x 60cm archival giclee print on aluminium.

© 2024, Benjamin Stezaker. All rights reserved.